Open EndNote application. Open the library (.enl file) that you would like to export.
Click File > Export.
Save your library as a Text File and select the Output style RefMan (RIS) Export. To transfer all your library data, leave the Export Selected Reference box unchecked.
Important: In order to transfer all full text attachments from your EndNote library into Zotero, navigate to your EndNote library's data folder and save the text file in the main data directory. Your EndNote library's data folder is usually saved in My Documents. This is important, because Zotero will look for file attachments in a directory relative to the text file you are exporting at this stage; be sure you do not select one of the subfolders, such as the PDF folder. (If you do not have full text attachments, you can skip this step.)
Click Save.
Open Zotero application.
Click File > Import.
This opens the Import window. Select A file (BibTeX, RIS, Zotero RDF, etc.), then Next.
In the menu, select your exported EndNote library (.txt file) and click Open.
Select your import options:
Place imported collections and items into new collection: Check this box to migrate the references into a separate collection (folder); uncheck the box if you would like them to just be migrated into your library.
File Handling: Choose Copy files to the Zotero storage folder if you would like to upload your files to the Zotero server for syncing with your account. Choose Link to files in original location if you only use one device to work with your Zotero library (note that Zotero cannot sync linked files).
Click Next. Zotero should automatically import your references according to your preferences. Some reference entries may require cleanup. For example, you may see notes attached to each of your citations in Zotero. These notes can be deleted, but there is not a built-in function to delete all of the notes in bulk. You can, however, view the FAQ entry linked below to find instructions to delete all the notes from a collection at once.