Items borrowed through interlibrary loan may be renewed at the lending institution's discretion. If you need a renewal for an ILL book, please make the renewal request at least three days before the due date. Renewal requests submitted after the due date will not be processed. Logon your ILLiad account and select Items on Loan to You under the View menu:
1. Find title in the list.
2. Click on the relevant transaction number.
3. If the title is eligible for renewal, the user will see Renew Request at the top of the record.
4. Click on Renew Request to initiate a renewal.
You may keep the book until we provide you with the new due date or request that you return the item. We will send an email to you with the new due date. Click on the Renew Requests tab on the ILLiad Interlibrary loan Research Guide for more details.