Use interlibrary loan when a library catalog search indicates the Neumann Library does not own the book you want or does not have the periodical with the article you need. Note: If a book is available at other UH campus library, the "Request" button on the library catalog may allow you to obtain the item quicker. A journal search from the library homepage will help you determine if an article is available electronically or in print. Submitting ILL requests without confirming availability through Neumann Library's print and electronic holdings can delay your access to the material.
- Interlibrary Loan requests cannot be accepted by telephone.
- The library does not process requests for patrons who have overdue materials.
- *Multiple requests for journal articles from the current five years usually requires prioritizing and approval through a consultation with a research librarian.
- Bestsellers or recently released items are more difficult to obtain.
Textbooks, popular movies and music, archival materials, and obsolete formats (film strips, VHS, LPs, etc.) will not be requested through ILL.