Yes, the library provides UHCL students access to the following TExES practice tests through the Learning Express Library database:
- PPR EC-12 Practice Test 1
- PPR EC-12 Practice Test 2
- Core Subjects (EC-6) Practice Test 1: Social Studies
- Core Subjects (EC-6) Practice Test 2: Social Studies
- Core Subjects (EC-6) Practice Test 1: Mathematics
- Core Subjects (EC-6) Practice Test 2: Mathematics
- Core Subjects (EC-6) Practice Test 1: Science
- Core Subjects (EC-6) Practice Test 2: Science
- Core Subjects (EC-6) Practice Test 1: Fine Arts, Health, and Physical Education
- Core Subjects (EC-6) Practice Test 2: Fine Arts, Health, and Physical Education
- Core Subjects (EC-6) Practice Test 1: English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) & the Science of Teaching Reading
- Core Subjects (EC-6) Practice Test 2: English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR) & the Science of Teaching Reading
You must create an account in Learning Express in order to access the practice exams. Learning Express accounts are free to UHCL students.
We also have a limited collection of TExES study guides on reserve behind the circulation desk. (Browse the TExES Materials libguide.) Please note that these materials may be checked out by currently enrolled UHCL students only.
Finally, select computers in the academic computing labs (outside the library) may have TExES practice software loaded onto them. Please contact the UHCL Support Center at 281-283-2828 for more information.