Answered By: Research Librarians
Last Updated: May 19, 2021     Views: 1705

OneSearch searches almost all of the library's research databases and the Library Catalog at once.

OneSearch is most helpful when you:

  • are exploring possible topics and want an idea of what's available
  • aren't sure which databases would be good for your topic
  • only want a few articles and don't need more sophisticated options found in individual databases
  • are curious about whether a broader search in more than your favorite databases turns up anything unexpected and interesting
  • are looking for full text of an article and already have a DOI (digital object identifier) or citation; in these cases search for the DOI or for a distinctive phrase from the article title along with the author's last name if needed

Natural language searches work well. If you use logical operators, they need to be in all CAPS at this time to work properly. Use quotation marks for an "exact phrase" and the asterisk wildcard to find words that start with the same letters (discriminat* finds discriminate, discrimination, etc.). Refine your search by selecting filters (limiters) like Scholarly & Peer Reviewed on the results screen.

Sample searches:

how body image affects women

"body image" AND women

"body image" AND (women OR girls)

(race OR racial) AND (discriminat* OR prejudic*)


"culture cooperation" AND berigan

