Answered By: Research Librarians
Last Updated: May 19, 2021     Views: 1166

Use proximity operators (WITH, NEARW/#, etc.) when the logical or Boolean operator "AND" still finds too much and you want to narrow results further by requiring terms to appear within the same sentence, the same paragraph, within a certain number of words of each other, etc. Check database online help to identify valid operators for that database.


  • waste w5 incinerat* finds waste within 5 words of incineration, incinerating, etc., in the order specified in EBSCO databases
  • waste n3 incinerat* finds the terms within 3 words of each other in either order in EBSCO databases
  • human w/s cloning finds the terms in the same sentence in Nexis Uni database
  • banking near/5 deregulation finds the terms within 5 words of each other in ProQuest databases

While OneSearch lacks traditional proximity operators, you can use quotation marks for an "exact phrase" search.