Answered By: Yumi Shin
Last Updated: Dec 05, 2021     Views: 255

Try one or more of the following:

  • Using the logical operator OR, add synonyms or alternative keywords that you did not use in your original search (e.g., search for cats OR felines rather than just cats).
  • Look for database Thesaurus or Subject features to help you identify subject terms or descriptors, which may differ significantly from your keywords. Then add them to your search with OR.
  • Truncate or stem search terms by using wildcard operators (teach* finds teach, teacher, teaching, etc.). In addition to the commonly used asterisk (*), many databases offer additional wildcards.
  • Expand or remove entirely less important limiters (date range, publication type, etc.).
  • If available, search for some or all of your search terms in full text or all text fields.
  • Try your search in another database and also in OneSearch, which searches almost all of the library's databases at once.

If you're not finding what you need, please consult a research librarian.