Answered By: Yumi Shin
Last Updated: Dec 05, 2021     Views: 893

Use OneSearch on the library homepage to search for your topic using either natural language (example: how to prevent bullying) or descriptive keywords and logical operators (example: bullying AND prevention).

On the results screen, select Peer-reviewed Journals under Availability and Articles under Resource Type. Next, click Apply Filters.


In addition to using OneSearch, you may want to try searching in a relevant research database (Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, PsycINFO, etc.) where you also can include limiters for articles, peer-reviewed journals, etc. Find recommended databases for specific disciplines in the library's research guides or in Databases A-Z.

For help constructing a database search statement using logical operators or connectors (AND, OR), see the "Keys to Finding..." link below. If you're not finding what you need, please consult a research librarian.