Try one or more of the following:
- Using the logical operator AND, add relevant keywords or subject terms to your search (e.g., search for high school AND dropouts AND prevention rather than just high school AND dropouts)
- Use drop-down menus to improve relevance by restricting some or all of your search terms to specific fields: subject terms, abstract, or title
- Add relevant limiters (date range, publication type, peer-reviewed, etc.). Explore the search screen for special limiters that may be relevant to your search (e.g.,age group in PsycINFO, educational level in ERIC, etc.).
- If available, consider using proximity operators (near, within, etc.), which are narrower in scope than the AND operator
- If appropriate, consider using the logical operator NOT to remove specified keywords or terms from your results (e.g., martin luther NOT king)
Perhaps a different database would be better for your topic, also. If you aren't finding what you need, please consult a research librarian.